If you have lost custody of your children and you have decided that you are ready to fight for them, visit the website suffolk-divorce.com. This will help you to understand your rights as a parent. It will help you to understand how a lawyer can help you to get custody of your children once again.
Of course, you cannot just go to court and expect to get custody. You are going to have to straighten out your life so that you can once again have custody of your kids. You are going to have to get yourself off of drugs or alcohol or whatever the problem was to begin with. You are also going to have to make sure that you have an income so that you can support your children. If you are legally obligated to pay child support now, you will want to make sure that you are current on your payments.
You also need to make sure that you have a reasonable place for your children to live. They are going to have to have their own space where they can sleep at night. You also need to make sure that you are available to be a parent when they need you. For example, if you have a job that takes you out of town on a regular basis, you may not be able to get custody. It will be up to you to decide which is more important.
Set up an appointment with a Child Custody Suffolk County, NY lawyer today. Your lawyer will sit down with you and let you know what your chances are of getting custody. He will let you know what you need to change in your own personal life in order to get things back on track. He will also do whatever he can to make sure that you get custody. In the courtroom, your lawyer will explain to the judge why you deserve to have your children in your home. If everything works out as planned, you may be able to bring them home with you right away. Now, meet with a lawyer as soon as possible.