If you have been tasked with buying the cigars for a special event but all you have ever purchased are black and mild cigars from the nearby convenient store, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Whether you are purchasing black and mild cigars or some more expensive brand of cigars, we can certainly point you in the right direction. We have highlighted a few things you should know before you set out to purchase your first box of cigars.
Some Things You Should Know About Cigars
You may go into a specialty store where cigars are sold and notice people carefully examining them. This is because they are checking for how fresh they are. As you are examining the cigars in a box, make sure there aren’t any that are discolored. If there are some that do not appear the same color as the rest of them, ask for another box, these are not fresh. You should also check for tenderness. The cigars shouldn’t be hard and if they are, don’t buy them. They aren’t fresh. Checking for freshness is a good place to start, when you set out to find a good box for the event. The expression, try it before you buy it, stands true in the case of purchasing cigars. You may take someone with you who has a little more experience in smoking cigars to test a few out first. Get their opinion as to how they think others would enjoy the cigar. The taste can differ significantly depending on where they are made. You wouldn’t want to commit to buying an entire box only to find out that no one at the event liked them. You’ll also need to purchase a humidor. This is a box that allows you to transport the cigars without them drying out and to help them retain their freshness. Finally, when shopping for cigars, make sure you have the right cutter on hand. Making sure you have the right cutter; such as, a guillotine cutter, gives you a clean cut and even burn. When we talk about an even burn, you should also make sure that you know how to cut the cigar. If you are not certain, consult with a sales associate and allow them to show you how they should be cut for an even burn. With these few tips, you’re sure to be a hit at the event.
Thinking of having black and mild cigars at your next soiree. Why not purchase them from an industry leader, Wholesale Cigar Store.