What Makes a Good Estate Agent in Inverurie

by | Feb 5, 2013 | Law Services

There will always be companies and agents that are out to get your business. Something you need to ask yourself before making a choice is, “what makes a good estate agent in Inverurie?” You want to know that your estate is in the right hands on a personal level, not just with the right company. So ask yourself several questions before choosing your agent or making that switch.

References are the Best Barometer

You likely have friends or relatives with an estate agent in Irverurie. Find out what you can about that agent you will be dealing with personally. Does the agent go the extra mile to make sure that you are happy? Maybe the agent follows up when a new law comes into place so that you know how your estate may be affected. More than likely, the agent will remember your birthday and send a card thanking you for your service along with celebrating with you. Maybe it was that one unique idea that nobody else came up with when managing your estate. Somehow, the agent won a friend’s business, and that is what you should find out before making a decision yourself.

The Phone Call

Often times, you will be minding your own business when you get a call from solicitors about your estate planning. Many people may blow them off and not think about it, but your estate planning is something very important for you and your beneficiaries. You should at least listen to the agent and find out what the agent has to offer during the call. This will be an opportune time for you to not only learn about the agent, but what it means to have your estate taken care of by this person. An estate agent that is willing to explain the process to you and educate you is one that holds a lot of value. Be polite on the phone and learn but if you want to take what you learned and go elsewhere later, then that is up to you.

Trust Your Gut

You need to meet with the estate agent and discuss your estate. Find out where things are now for you and what they have to offer. Take your time and look over all the plans that have been discussed, then talk it over with your family. If you feel like you have been educated and that the agent is looking out for your best interest, then follow your instincts and get your estate planning moving. Remember, this is about those that you are leaving behind and what kind of security they have without you being there to watch over them anymore. The person you trust with your estate will be the person that helps your family in an otherwise sad time.


Peterkins Solicitors is your trusted adviser when it comes to estate agents in Inverurie, They can plan your estate for the future so that you are well prepared for anything the future has in store.



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