What is Search Engine Marketing?

by | Jul 9, 2014 | Website Design

The notion of search engine marketing, although broad, includes many things. Sure, there is a definitive definition, however as an umbrella form of Internet marketing, SEM has many sub categories. Here are a few distinguishing factors of SEM to better help you understand how to make it work for you.

SEM Defined

The best way to define SEM is as follows. SEM is a promotional tool that employs utilizing optimization and advertising methods for purposes of boosting search engine result visibility. This can be done in a number of ways. Content curation is a major form of search engine marketing. Seminole County marketers have many savvy ways of creating and revising website content in order to boost rankings for companies on the Internet.


There are a few helpful ways of implementing SEM in any general Internet marketing campaign. Here are the most popular: keyword research and analysis, as well as saturation and popularity analysis. When it comes to keyword research, this is pretty self explanatory. If you hire a marketer to spearhead a SEM campaign, then the first thing that he or she should be doing is keyword analysis and research. This requires utilizing software-based tools that measure the keywords search strands that are used to lead visitors to your website. Furthermore, the analysis component further requires that information on new search strings that could boost rankings should be done. When it comes to saturation, a marketer would more than likely research the total number of website pages that are indexed with search engines. Backlinks on the website indicate popularity. Both of these components can be good indicators of potential traffic.


It can be easy to get the two confused because they pretty much are interrelated. SEM actually includes SEO. SEO has more to do with keywords, hence the term search engine optimization. SEO is a component of a SEM campaign Seminole County. It is a vital component of the campaign that can aid in better popularity and saturation of a particular company on the Internet. This is essential in order to better ensure the success or failure of a marketing campaign.

Creating a SEM campaign can be daunting but it is essential in order to attain certain target goals online. Understanding the components of SEO is important. If you are interested in getting assistance with SEM, go to Jjcmarketingsolutions.com today.

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