What Can a Patient Expect From Dental Implants in Round Lake Beach?

by | Apr 13, 2020 | Dental

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made from titanium. They look like small screws and can support restorations like crowns or bridges. A dental implant can replace one missing tooth or several missing teeth.

What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are biocompatible, which means there is no chance of the body rejecting them. They can also fuse with the jawbone during a months-long process called osseointegration. That means that the restoration will be as secure as a natural tooth. Finally, Round Lake Beach dental implants last decades. With care, they can last the rest of the patient’s life.

What Is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown or cap is a type of tooth restoration that fits over the entire top of the tooth. It is typically made of porcelain, and the dentist will have it custom-made to resemble the rest of the patient’s natural teeth.

After the implant has fused with the jawbone, the dentist will place a connector called an abutment on top of the implant. The dentist will then place the crown on the abutment.

What Is All-On-Four?

All-On-Four is a type of hybrid denture used to replace all the teeth in the upper or lower jaw. The dentist will place four dental implants at strategic points in the patient’s jawbone. The dentist will have a denture custom-made, and that denture will have screws that will secure it to the implants.

Contact Reilly & Siegel Family Dental or visit them to learn more about dental implants in Round Lake Beach.

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