Disability lawyers in Federal Way will assist you in the appeal process after a denial of benefits. They determine the amount of benefits that you deserve based on your disability and how it affects your life. Your choice of attorneys evaluates your medical records to determine whether you possess adequate evidence to prove these facts.
Filing for an Appeal
As stated in your denial documentation, you have the right to appeal any decision made by the SSA in your case. To increase your odds of receiving benefits, it is necessary to hire legal counsel. An attorney that is familiar with disability appeals will assist you by filing the appropriate documentation with the court. He or she will review your documentation to determine whether information is missing from your claim that may support your case more effectively.
Your medical records that establish when your disability began are the starting point for filing a disability claim. It is necessary for the SSA to determine the starting date of your disability. It is equally important to present the SSA and the court with documentation that determines how this condition affects your life and that of your loved ones. Your attorney will additionally determine during this hearing how this condition prevents you from adequately supporting yourself and your family.
Disability Attorney
Todd R. Renda, Attorney At Law offers a fighting chance to anyone who is disabled and was denied benefits. He comprehends the needs of these individuals and the need to adequately support their families after sustaining a permanent injury. This attorney is an advocate for the rights of disabled individuals who seek benefits after a denial. To schedule a consultation with this attorney, contact his local office at the number listed on his website.
If you are denied disability benefits, your first point of contact is Disability lawyers in Federal Way. An attorney practicing in this law field can enable you to file a new claim or appeal the denial through court. Your preferred attorney can arrange a new hearing to establish your eligibility and assist you in receiving a settlement and monthly benefit payments.