Small Vacation with Big Fun

by | Jul 2, 2012 | Travel & Vacations

Weekend vacations are different creatures from long vacations. They’re easier to schedule but, in some ways, harder to plan. The ideal weekend vacation is local, affordable, and provides just the right mix of fun and relaxation to help you recharge. You don’t want to have to drive too far, as ideally you only take a half day off work on Friday, or perhaps just leave right after work, and be able to reach your destination for a late dinner. Whereas a vacation with a week or more of time allows you to travel further distances because if you lose a day to travel you still have multiple days for fun, weekend vacations must maximize time. Where you want to go for your weekend vacation depends largely on where you live. If you’re in Texas, consider The Woodlands for weekend vacations.

The reason why The Woodlands is so ideal for weekend vacations is because it provides a lot of different options. It means you don’t have to take a dedicated weekend vacation for the whole family where everyone does the same thing. If you want to split up and do different things once there, you have that option; also, with the variety available, it’s possible to wing it and still enjoy yourself. A brief list of possible activities will help illustrate the point better:

Planned events

  • Golfing championships and events

  • Farmers markets

  • Organized ladies nights

  • Entertainment

  • Shows in the theaters

  • Restaurants and pubs

Plan your own events

  • Kayaking

  • Movies

  • Walking the waterway

  • Shopping

  • Indoor mall

  • Outdoor shopping

Even without an itinerary, one could easily be entertained for the entire weekend.

Another benefit of weekend vacations is eating out. Once again, having options is your friend, and at The Woodlands, you have numerous options to choose from as the Woodlands boasts more than 200 restaurants or places to eat. The Woodlands also runs a trolley service to help transport from various locations, so if you’re hoping for quick family vacations where you can pick up and leave without having to micromanage every detail to balance everyone’s different wants, The Woodlands is ideal.

Now, if you want to go in with a plan, this can, of course, help you, as some events will fill up and you might want to get yourself a ticket early. Thankfully, you can find multiple sources online to let you know what events are happening in the Woodlands, and when, so you can plan your trip accordingly.

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