Reliable House Leveling Contractors Near Baytown

by | Jun 7, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

The foundation is the root of your home. The base from which the rest of your house builds it’s integrity. A faulty foundation is often the beginning of major home repairs which if not done correctly can decrease the value of your property. This needn’t always be a major problem and when handled properly and discovered in time. House leveling Baytown can provide you with solutions to alleviate the stress these problems can cause.

Along with repair, the home owner might also consider some prevention. One problem which can cause foundation failure is dehydrated soil. When the soil dries it pulls away from the foundation taking the support away from the load bearing walls. These walls shift and put undue stress on the foundation causing it to crack and break. One method for preventing this type of failure is a moisture system provided by Foundation Contractors in Baytown. This is a system which evenly applies moisture around the foundation to prevent the drying of the soils. Because it takes advantage of soil types and moisture content it will require proper soil testing.

While the most common foundation in a new home is the concrete slab many older homes are elevated on blocks or pylons. Manufactured housing such as the mobile home, often called a trailer, use a similar technique and they all require an occasional re-leveling. There are several how to web sites which offer advice on the techniques required to perform this leveling but it seems none of them mention how dangerous this job could be. An unskilled individual could easily damage their home or worse they could maim or kill themselves or any persons who might be helping them. Foundation Savers Baytown provides not only the skilled contractors but they also have the equipment to do the job correctly.

You’ve devoted a lot of time and energy in owning and maintaining your home. It is an investment in your future as well as a place to live and it requires that you protect it just as you would anything else you treasure. Part of that protection is ensuring it is well maintained and properly repaired.

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