Event Trend to include in your Planning

by | Oct 30, 2013 | Shopping

There are many new trends in corporate events that you can use to your advantage. Technology is saving money and making it easier to bring people together. Even name badge lanyards are upgraded to accommodate smart ID cards. Here are some event trends you should consider using when planning your next event.

Automation and Smart Phones

No doubt technology plays a huge role in event planning. You can take advantage of these trends and use them to save money. Online registration, intranet advertising for events and email invites all save money while increasing participation. Smart event planning tools will improve efficiencies while allowing you to update in real time to keep things running smoothly. The truly savvy event planner will also design an App specific to their event that Smart Phone users can refer to for all the information they need as well as to provide an interactive tool they can use to find information, collect information and even participate in seminars.

Smart Phones and ROI

Using an App to engage attendees will also allow you to collect information from them before, during and after the event. This means on the spot surveys can be taken as the event is on and immediately following the event to help you calculate your ROI and the effectiveness of each aspect in which attendees participate. You will be able to make changes to everything from your next event to each aspect of your current event as you receive cancellations notices and other pertinent information.

Travel Arrangements

Using online travel arrangements for internal participants allows your company to save time and of course money. Having travel arrangements on your intranet integrates planning and takes away from administrative staff having to make arrangements on behalf of their bosses.


This old school meeting technique has come a long way and you can reach a lot more people at events by providing a webinar option for your seminars and keynote speaker slots. Instead of forcing companies and/or staff to fly in for events you can include them from their home office by setting up a webinar and/or teleconferencing option.

Technology may seem costly at first glance but discovering ways to use it to your advantage saves money in the long run.

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