Enjoy Your Brightest Smile With Teeth Whitening Millville

by | Apr 15, 2013 | Dental Services

Teeth Whitening MillvilleCosmetic dentistry includes the Teeth Whitening Millville services. The process requires that a licensed dentist or dental hygienist prepare the mouth with retractors to position the cheeks and jaws in a safe manner properly. He or she places gauze within the mouth to protect the gums from exposure to the whitening chemicals. The solution is potentially harmful to the gumline, and an additional barrier is typically placed around it to prevent damage. Prior to the procedure, the dentist will ensure that the patient does not possess cavities or exposed nerves by performing an examination and possibly x-rays if the patient records lack current x-rays.

The process begins with a cleaning and polishing of teeth. Dental hygienists utilize pumice to extract plague, and debris found at the tooth surface and ensures that all teeth are clean front to back. Some hygienists use fluoride rinses during this process to ensure cleanliness between teeth and gums. Once teeth are cleaned a coating of one of two types of peroxide is applied to all teeth. Most dentists use hydrogen peroxide for teeth whitening services. Typically, the whitening solutions possess a specific brand name, consult your preferred experienced dentist or hygienist to discuss the active ingredient in the product he or she uses for these services. Depending on the stain level on your teeth, this cosmetic dental procedure may take up to an hour to complete.

The required time for the Teeth Whitening Millville services as a whole, depends greatly on the current condition of the teeth and stains. Through the process, the dentist or hygienist is attempting to optimize the brightness of your smile. There is a time limit for exposure to the peroxide agent, and it may require more than one treatment to bring your smile to its whitest. Patients who smoke or consume foods or beverages with the potential of staining may need additional visits based on staining of their teeth to achieve their purest smiles. Foods and drinks with the highest potential of staining teeth are red wine, tomato-based products, and coffee. Smokers are advised to refrain from the use of any tobacco products for no less than one day following the cosmetic dental procedure.

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