An Evanston Social Security Attorney Can Help Get Your Benefits

by | Jul 17, 2013 | Law Services

Trying to get a claim for Social Security Disability (SSDI) processed can be very frustrating. The majority of claims are turned down on the first filing. Even claims that have been re-submitted are fairly commonly turned down. If you want to keep trying you will have to again make another appeal and possibly be required to go to the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review or ODAR and present their case to an administrative law judge (ALJ). This is one of the most important steps in the review process because this is the only time you will be able to get face to face with the person that ultimately makes the decision. You can have a social security attorney Evanston go with you as your advocate to help you get through the process.

A good disability lawyer Evanston will have exclusively practiced Social Security Disability law so they will have all of the knowledge of the process and can help to get their clients ready for the ADJ hearing.

The judge will have reviewed your case already, so what the hearing provides is an opportunity for the judge to question you about the limitation you are facing and the amount of disability you have. The judge has to determine how severe your disability is and whether it is a permanent disability or if it will continue for at least 12 months. The judge might bring in doctors to get their opinion of your medical limitations. Your social security attorney Evanston can get you ready for the kinds of questions you are most likely to get and how you can effectively answer them. Your lawyer can also “cross-examine the experts the government brings to the hearing.

It is possible that the judge will ask about your limitations and how they affect your ability to try to work. He could give hypothetical scenarios and see what his vocational expert’s thinks about jobs or careers that you might be able to do with your disabilities. Your social security attorney Evanston will have the experience to know how to counter effectively their experts when the cross-examine them.

You can see how important that you get a social security attorney Evanston early in the process to help protect all of your rights and to help get you prepared for the process. This is how they can help you to get the benefits that you deserve.

To learn more about how to find the right social security attorney in Evanston, visit the Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. at

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