3 Signs It’s Time to Seek Help at a Newark Addiction Recovery Facility

by | Feb 29, 2024 | Healthcare

What are the signs of addiction? Knowing how to recognize that you have a substance abuse problem is the first step in seeking effective treatment. Unfortunately, it’s the hardest step to take. Generally, people have a difficult time admitting that they suffer from addiction. Knowing the common signs of addiction can help you seek treatment sooner.

You Need to Use More Frequently

Over time, the continued use of a substance causes the brain to adapt to the presence of the drug or alcohol. You’ll need to continue that same amount of the substance just to feel normal. Experiencing the euphoric sensation the substance used to produce will require increasing the size or frequency of the dose. Seek addiction treatment in Newark, NJ if you notice that you’re using more frequently or taking stronger doses.

You No Longer Meet Your Responsibilities

What are the signs of addiction? It’s not uncommon to lose interest in group activities, work, and familial responsibilities. Often, these personality changes start with arriving late or skipping events altogether. Over time, you might lose your job, end relationships, or give up hobbies that you once loved. If you find that you spend more time focusing on your substance use rather than engaging in social relationships, it might be time to talk to an addiction counselor.

Your Grooming Habits Have Changed

What are the signs of addiction? Depression often accompanies many types of addiction, resulting in a loss of interest in personal grooming. You might start wearing the same clothes several days in a row, skip bathing, or only brush your teeth occasionally. A common withdrawal symptom is a loss of appetite. If you have lost interest in personal hygiene or eating regular meals, you might need addiction treatment in Newark, NJ.

If you’re struggling with a substance use problem, find out how Greater Essex Counseling Services can help by visiting at their website.

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