A Picture-Perfect Setting with a Dramatic Ambiance

by | Sep 18, 2012 | Construction and Maintenance

Do you remember those winter nights when you used to sit down on the rocking chair beside the fireplace while drinking your cup of chocolate? You were completely mesmerized by the dancing flames while your siblings sat on the floor roasting marshmallows. Now that you have your own family, you want to recreate a similar setting with the same dramatic ambiance by having your own fireplace but unfortunately you live in a smokeless area where the neighbors frown upon smoke pollution coming out from chimneys. For some people it is clearly a source of annoyance since smoke causes them respiratory problems.

You have an alternative through Gas Fireplace in Edina MN. There are other options available which you can certainly enjoy from the gas fireplace.

1. Cleanliness – no soot, no ash that will damage furniture or sparks that will create holes in the carpet and upholsteries. No messy cleaning necessary or efforts to carry logs inside the house. There is no need for chimneysweeps that has to be hired regularly before the onset of winter.

2. Cost effective – In urban areas, logs for fireplaces can be expensive unlike in the rural setting where firewood can be chopped and dried to be an effective source of fuel. Storage of wood is also another problem for city dwellers where space tends to be very valuable. With gas fireplaces, it can easily be connected to the gas source of the home which is supplied through pipelines. With the fireplace gas inserts, you gain another round of savings since it consumes lesser fuel.

3. Safety – One disadvantage of wood burning fireplaces is the buildup of creosote in the chimneys which might result in chimney fires. This problem is aggravated when you use wood that has not been properly dried. Today’s gas fireplaces can be controlled with remote control devices and the flames adjusted according to preference. The artificial logs duplicate the ambiance provided by natural wood including the burning embers but without smoke.

4. Convenience – Families enjoy the instant warmth by just flicking on the switch. No need to put so much effort in building a fire from natural wood. While your neighbors are still busy lighting their logs, you are comfortably relaxed beside the Gas Fireplace in Edina MN. You do not face the frustrations of trying to build a fire if you find out that you no longer have newspaper for starters.

What the gas fireplaces lack is authenticity. There is nothing more welcoming than the scent of burning pine logs. Sitting beside the fireplace while flames from the burning logs are dancing and flickering makes it difficult to leave their presence. If you enjoy going to the forest and dropping some trees to be chopped as fuel, the wood burning fireplace is just perfect for you. On the other hand, it provides you with the exercise of splitting wood by hand, drying them under the sun and finally hauling them inside the house for the long winter. The hard work guarantees to keep in you good shape.

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