How to Make Your Own Renaissance Corset

by | Mar 23, 2013 | Shopping

If you are going to a Renaissance Fair, or some other fun event that might require you to wear a corset, it might be a fun idea to learn how to make your own leather renaissance corset. You will save some time and money of looking for one that would fit your body and shape and will have your own unique creation that no one else will be able to rival. Here are some of the steps that you will need to follow if you want to make your own leather renaissance corset.

Pick The Pattern

The first thing that you will need to do if you want to make your own leather renaissance corset is to pick out the pattern that you want to do. You need to decide which type of corset you would like. There are underbust corsets, bondage corsets and more for you to choose from. In addition, you can have each corset custom made to fit your body shape and size. You are not limited to wearing whatever they give you at the store. You can make the corset work for whatever situation that you want. Once you know what pattern you want to follow it is a good idea to draw it out ahead of time so that you have a design to go off when you are working.

Pick Out Fabric

The next thing that you will need to do if you want to make your own leather renaissance corset is to pick out which fabric that you want to use for your corset. This will all depend on which pattern you will pick out. It is important to remember to pick out a fabric that is breathable and washable, so that you can wear it for a long time and so you can clean it and use it again. You do not want to spend all this time on the corset if you are not able to wash it without ruining it. You will also want to pick out a fabric that is really comfortable if you are looking to wear the corset a lot.

Get To Work

Once you have these entire things figure out, it is time to get to work and make the corset. Follow the design that you have drawn out, and make it to your specifications. If you are having any troubles with the design or any part of the production process, you can find a friend or someone else to help you out. On the other hand, you can even go online and ask the questions that you have. Once you are finally done with the corset you will have something that you can be proud of and wear over and over again.

If you want to find the perfect leather renaissance corset, contact Shaper Corset online today!

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